Thursday, September 18, 2008

Busy Week

Haven't had much time for sewing this week, due to babysitting, dance classes, and orthodontist crisis...Menucha swallowed a bracket from her braces! Next week doesn't promise to be much better, with DH arriving from the States. Will have to fit in some quilting somewhere. At least I am getting some "un-sewing" done while waiting for the orthodontist and dance class. Have been collecting plaid cotton shirts for some time now (learned this from Bonnie Hunter at and the time has come to start using them. I think I'm going to make her Smokey Mountain Stars. It's such a beautiful quilt. So while Menucha has her dance class, I have been taking off the collars and sleeves from the shirts, making them easier to cut.

Was pleasantly surprised this past week to be contacted by Miri and Rhoda, two English-speaking quilters who recently moved to Israel. This is so exciting! Miri, I am enjoying your blog, And Rhoda, I can't wait to meet you in person! I hope we can get together at the next meeting of the Jerusalem quilt group in November. Seems like such a long time to have to wait! :(

Here is a pic of a basket quilt made some time ago. I still love it, it has such nice colors and great baskets. This one hangs next to the treadmill. It gives me something to look at while I run.

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