Sunday, October 5, 2008

New Baby is home

We picked up the New Baby today. First, a trip to the vet to get her last shot, then to the pet shop to buy supplies: fancy food, fancy litter, fancy litter box, fancy cat carrier. Toys, toys, and more toys. (I should live as well as this kitten.)

The lady who was giving her to us had a good cry. We felt really bad and said we wouldn't take the kitten, but she insisted that she couldn't keep it. She was so attached to the sweet thing, but her other cats were unable to adjust to the new arrival and so she had to give her up. The lady boards dogs, and the dogs got along fine with the little kitty, but the big cats couldn't. So sad.

New Baby took some time exploring the house. Started finding all the wonderful little nooks and crannies and hiding places. Had supper and used the litter box. We had been told that she was used to sleeping on a plastic lawn chair next to the lady's bed, but *LOL* as soon as she saw Menucha's bed, she jumped right up, curled up on the pillow, and went to sleep. So much for plastic chairs.

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