Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Monday

It has been HOT here! Temps in the 90's every day. Real summer weather. It cools off nicely in the afternoon and evening though, in true Jerusalem fashion. So I have been sitting outside on the porch and quilting in the wonderful cool air. My porch is right off the kitchen, and in the afternoons there is always a delicious breeze. I think we'll eat supper out there tonight...
This poor quilt. I had marked it and basted it, quilted two of the fans already, and then I remembered...bearding. That nice natural cotton batting was coming through to the top with every stitch. Checked the supply of dark batting, it was down to the end. Pieced together what was left, as it was exactly enough, and re-basted the entire quilt. This time I only marked one side, as I have been using the Clover chalk marker and I see that with time the markings rub off. So I think I'll quilt half and then mark and quilt the second half.

Have you ever used this marking tool? I really like it. The wheel where the powder comes out fits right into the openings in your quilting stencil.
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1 comment:

Tonya Ricucci said...

what a beautiful quilt!