Monday, August 24, 2009

Next Stop: Duck Tour!

We have gone on the Duck Tour before, but it's always a lot of fun, and a major thing to do in Boston.
Each tour guide/duck driver is dressed up differently. Our drive on friday was "Disco Dan". Isn't he a sight!
The most fun part of the tour is when the "duck" leaves the road and goes down into the water. What a thrill. The drivers always offer an opportunity to steer the "duck" to anyone who's interested. This time, the only volunteer was Menucha. (She's all of 12 years old. The only thing she's ever driven is a bumper car at an amusement park.) I would have gone up and taken a picture of her steering the boat, but I was paralyzed by fear that she would steer the boat into something hard, like a concrete embankment, or run us aground, or...hit the kayak that for some reason the kayakers were paddling right into the path of the "duck" while she was driving. Not wishing to distract her with picture-taking, I just stayed in my seat and let her drive.
Here is what the "ducks" look like when they're in the water.
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