Another day of sun in my neck of the woods. What a relief after all the gloom of the past couple of weeks.
Of course the arrival of spring means a bit of spring cleaning is in order, and I have been happy to comply. Every day I tackle another little corner of the house and de-clutter it. Last night I tackled the linen/toiletries closet and worked at it with a vengeance. There is something about really taking an honest look at what I have, and realizing I haven't used most of these things in years. After I throw/give/donate them away, I don't even miss them a bit. Can't even remember having had them. I guess that means I didn't need them in the first place. This is a great feeling. Of course, the decluttering began with the fabric area, and that's what inspired the Scrappy Trips Around the World quilt. I've have some of these fabrics for 30 years, and chances are if I haven't used them by now, I never will. So I am putting them ALL into this quilt. It's going slowly, but that's all right. It feels good cutting them all up and including them in something.
De-cluttering is an ongoing process in my life but I don't think I will ever finish it.
Spring? Oh, I can't wait until it hits this side of the world!
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