The Passover holiday has begun in earnest. For the next week, we will forgo our normal bread and instead eat Matzoh, an unleavened, cracker-like bread. It can be spread with jelly, butter, or chocolate spread, but in America we used to spread the matzoh with cream cheese, not an easy thing to come by here in Israel. So what's a good mother to do? Make my own, of course.
Some containers of sour cream, wrapped in a clean undershirt and left to drain for a couple of hours...
Passover is one of the nicest times of the year here in Israel. The weather has finally warmed up. No more rain for the next six months. Everyone is off from school. Many people are off from work, and everyone is on the go! Everyone is going on a hike or a day trip. Whole families, dressed in their holiday finest, can be seen boarding buses to all parts of the country, heading to the zoo or to a park or the grandparents' house.
This morning, my husband set off for the south with our son-in-law, Menucha, and two grandsons. They were heading for an archery range. Then to a llama/alpaca farm and after that to an amazing meteorite crater.
But me...I set off by bus toward Pissott, the quilt shop near Rehovot. Here is the view of a beautiful valley, as seen from the bus stop at the exit from Jerusalem.
This morning, my husband set off for the south with our son-in-law, Menucha, and two grandsons. They were heading for an archery range. Then to a llama/alpaca farm and after that to an amazing meteorite crater.
But me...I set off by bus toward Pissott, the quilt shop near Rehovot. Here is the view of a beautiful valley, as seen from the bus stop at the exit from Jerusalem.
When I got to Pissott, Terry was showing her beautiful quilts and talking about her quilting. She is one of the few longarm quilters in the country, and probably the most accomplished. 
I love her Double Wedding Ring.
Behind her you can see a chuppa (wedding canopy) she made.
I love her Double Wedding Ring.
Behind her you can see a chuppa (wedding canopy) she made.
So happy to have seen you today at Pissott. It was a great treat to be there.
Ha! A girl after my own heart...where do we quilters spend our spare time? At the quilt shop of course.
Headed there tomorrow! My Hunny is taking me :-) He's also taking his Kindle so that he can read.... I think he's counting on quite a wait :-)
Hag Sameach!
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