Monday, December 22, 2008

The weather here has been beautiful and pleasant.
We have hardly needed to wear our winter coats, and Menucha has gone to school every day with just a sweater over her uniform. The girls all walk to school together every morning. I love seeing them walk together in a group.
My DH wanted to go to a hotel by the ocean for a couple of days this week, as Menucha has the week of Hanukkah off. But yesterday the sky started to turn cloudy, and today there have already been some drizzles. So we'll put it off for another time. Too bad, the hotel is near the only IKEA in the country, and I did SO want to go there!
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1 comment:

Holly said...

Hi Susan. Happy Hanukkah to you. I am so happy to have found your blog. I'm starting to read from the beginning as I wait to go to my daughter's to eat Christmas dinner in half an hour! I will have to read more later. You do beautiful work. (I, too, made a red spiderweb quilt this year.) I love reading about your life there in Jerusalem. If I ever get a chance to travel abroad again I want to go back to Israel. I visited once when I was ten and have loved it ever since. Well, this comment has turned into a book so I will sign off for now but I'll be back often.