This is the aloe vera that is producing the flower. You can see the long shoot going up from the right side, rising right into the air. It is really amazing. You can also see the white stone of the wall next to it. By law, every building in Jerusalem must be built from a beautiful white stone known as "Jerusalem Stone". Jerusalem is therefore a city of white houses and buildings, accented both by red tile roofs like so many other Mediterranean countries use and by the green of gardens and trees everywhere. A truly unique and lovely place.
I have a very small aloe vera plant in my kitchen but I have never seen one bloom!! My looks quite pitiful right now. Sometimes I water it too much and other times I neglect it. I just can't seem to get them to grow big and healthy looking. Yours looks great.
Jane (USA)
I didn't realize that they bloomed. I hope mine blooms some day.
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