Friday, July 17, 2009

Is there an eye doctor in the house?

I was really sure I had said that I would NEVER again quilt one of these black quilts. After the last one, I was sure my poor eyes had had enough. But somehow I got myself into another one. It's true, I do love quilting those fans. But it sure is hard to see what I'm doing, quilting with black thread on that black fabric. How do people do this? Well, six fans are done, and I have the rest of the summer to quilt the rest. Have told myself that it will be done by the end of August. Sure hope so. There will be lots of time in airports and on airplanes, so it is really possible. But I am definitely going to need a new prescription for my eyeglasses by the time it's over.

Here is the itinerary: We leave Israel next Tuesday morning, get to Baltimore Tuesday night. On Thursday, we fly to Houston for 4 days with the kids and grandkids. Then back to Baltimore for a couple of days. Then we are going to Orlando, where we have rented a house with a pool. (Menucha has already packed FOUR bathing suits in anticipation of this.) From Orlando we are driving to my parents' house in Pembroke Pines for a long weekend, then back to Orlando for a couple more days. Then back to Baltimore. Then we fly up to Boston to visit my sister and her family. (I'm getting tired just reading this.) Then back to Baltimore briefly and then home to Israel.
I can't wait to get to my house in Baltimore. My husband had the wood floors redone for me for a surprise. (I got him to tell me about it, so it's not a surprise anymore.) We had redone the kitchen last year, but some parts were never completed, so he had those done. And he has brought in a cleaning crew to clean the house, top to bottom. This is very exciting for me personally, as he lives in the house by himself a good part of the time, when he is in Baltimore for his work, and if you have ever seen a house after a guy has lived in it solo for a year...
My next post will probably be from the States. Have a good summer, wherever you will be, and stay safe and well!
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Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

safe travels... all of them!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip from your quilting pals-Zahava quilters at the Quilting Corner in Betar Illit.
We will miss you.
Hugs, Etty