Sunday, October 18, 2009

At Last, Good News!

Today, we spent a good part of the day at the hospital, where Menucha was seen by a specialist in neuro-opthalmology. Dr. Dotan was so warm and gentle with her throughout the examination, and he reassured us and was supportive of me and my husband the whole time. After many tests and finally an ultrasound of her eyes, he told us that the thing her doctors had suspected was not present and that we had no need to worry. So our heartfelt prayers have been answered. I want to thank all the many people who wrote to me expressing their support and adding their prayers to our own. I think that without knowing that so many caring people were at our side through this difficult time, I would not have been able to have the strength that was needed. God bless you all, and thank you for all of your love.

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