Friday, April 23, 2010

It's Spring, But...

The weather has gotten decidedly cooler. It rained yesterday, no I mean it POURED yesterday. All the clean laundry I had hung out on the lines to dry got SOAKED. I hope it will get the chance to dry out today, as the sun is up and the sky is clear.
It's very unusual for there to be rain in Israel after the Passover holiday ends. Between now and autumn there is generally no rain at all. This is a great thing for people who love the beach--you never have to wonder whether it will be good swimming weather. It always is, the whole summer long. We have some beautiful beaches here, along the Mediterranean. This is the first summer we will be spending here in Israel in a long time. Usually we go to the States and hang out in our house in Baltimore. But this year we'll be here. I'm hoping to get to the beach. Pics to follow!

There are some absolutely gorgeous flowering trees in the parking lot by my daughter's house. I just love the color of this one.
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