Sunday, July 18, 2010

Little Jerusalem Scenes

I can't remember the last time I posted anything to this blog. But if you're wondering, my back is doing better. Not 100%, but better. Still have to go to PT and do exercises 3 times a day to improve things, and hopefully to prevent it happening again.
After PT this morning, my husband wanted to stop in at a little store and get something to drink. They have put chairs and sofas outside in the front for people to sit on and enjoy. Here is one little grouping.

As you can see,the sun was bright and the day was beautiful. When we moved here we were amazed to learn that there is no rain in Israel the whole summer. If you want to go to the beach, there is no need to check the forecast. In the summer it's always the same: hot or hotter. Always a good beach day. One of the perks of living on the Mediterranean.

It's a good thing I love cacti, because there sure are a lot of cacti here. Another great thing about living a country with a lot of desert. Lots of cacti. Isn't this one cute?

In the afternoon, we took my mother-in-law to the hospital for a blood transfusion. In front of the hospital is this great stainless steel sculpture that I love. I always think it looks like a bird taking off into the air. In the background, you can see the red roofs of some of the buildings. I love those red roofs. So European. Well, I guess it's probably a Mediterranean thing too. Click on the photo to get a closer look.

We got Mom home from the hospital, changed into some nicer clothes, and rushed out to a little engagement party for Grandson #2.
What a lovely girl he is engaged to! I have to go through my pictures from the party, and see if I got a nice picture of her to show you. She is very petite, sweet girl. They make a nice young couple.


Quilting Corner said...

Mazel Tov on the engagement. May they have many happy and healthy years together.
Have a meaningful fast.
Love, Etty

Andi said...

Glad your back is doing better!
Mazal Tov on the engagement.
And thanks for a little Jerusalem visit.
I haven't been there myself for over 10 years.
I'd love to come back for a visit with my family sometime.
Maybe when the kids are a bit bigger and can appreciate it more!
Andi :-)

heather said...

The pictures are lovely.